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Information about prices and exchange fees for the Infront Professional Terminal

Price lists for the use of data and prices as well as instructions for direct agreements with stock exchanges or news services

General Information

Infront provides monthly subscription-based services that can be customized based on needs. Add modules, professional news, real-time markets and other 3rd party services on the initial order or add it later from the "My Profile" service in the terminal. Subscription fees depends on whether you are a private or professional investor. Please make sure to classify your subscription correctly.

All Infront fees and prices are per user per month excluding VAT. Prices includes exchange fees unless they are marked with *. On the prices marked with * please go to the page listing exchange fees to find the additional cost.

Please note that Level 2 and TotalView data services includes Level 1 data. Services marked with ** required you to accept a click-on agreement in "My Profile" in the terminal. Services marked with *** below require that your company sign a direct user agreement. These sources will invoice exchange fees directly.

How to sign a direct agreement with an exchange or news provider

Some exchanges and other vendors require that your company accept direct agreements in addition to your End User License Agreement with Infront. This article provides details on affected services and routines for accepting the relevant agreement(s).

Affected Services:

  • NASDAQ US data for professional users

  • NYSE US data for professional users (NYSE CTA, NYSE CTB, Openbook, Arcabook data)

  • FTSE Index data for professional users

  • NASDAQ OMX Index Weights

  • DJ Institutional News (Premium)

  • Infinancials Analyst

How to activate services requiring direct agreements:

Step 1: Add/order the data

To add any of the sources above please do one of the following:

  • Send an order request from "My Profile" in the Infront Professional Terminal (requires access), or;

  • Add from Infront Entitlement System (WebAdmin), or;

  • Sign an Order form from Infront

The data/service will then be “pending” until the relevant agreement is accepted.

Step 2: Accept the Click-on agreement

  • You will see the relevant contracts in either "My Profile" or WebAdmin

  • Review, fill-in and accept the click-on agreement in "My Profile"

  • The service will be activated (user access will go from Pending to Active) after the agreement is accepted

Step 3: Instant access

  • Once the agreement is approved, please restart the terminal / Mobile app

  • If you now go to "My Profile"|Account you will see that the contract is accepted with the same date

Special conditions for FTSE, Nasdaq, Dow Jones and Infront Analytics

  • FTSE: Access to FTSE real-time data. The average price for FTSE real-time data is 25GBP per user per month excluding VAT (price is an indication only). This fee comes in addition to the service fee to Infront.

  • Nasdaq: Access to Index weightings. Please contact Nasdaq for more information(contact details below). This fee comes in addition to the service fee to Infront.

  • Dow Jones News: Access to Institutional News (Premium). Dow Jones have opted for selling this news service directly (unlike the other Dow Jones news services offered through Infront) and a direct agreement with Dow Jones is needed to access this new feed in the Infront Professional Terminal. Please contact Dow Jones for more information(contact details below). This fee (EUR 155/month) comes in addition to the service fee to Infront.

  • Infront Analytics: Access to Infront Analytics. Financial Intelligence Services (previously WVB) require a direct agreement which needs to be printed, scanned and returned to Infront before access to Infront Analytics is activated.

Based on the permissions and company information set in the Infront entitlement system, Infront will report the company name with details and the number of users to the vendor on a monthly basis. Based on this information, the vendor bills its clients directly.

For further information please contact Infront or the vendor:


Customer Support

FTSE Group

+44 (0) 207 866 8999


+44 207 065 8027

Dow Jones

+46 8 545 131 16

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